Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weezer Makes Me Sad

There was a time, long ago, when Weezer used to be good. Nay, Weezer was great. 1994's Blue Album and 1996's Pinkerton are among the best albums of the nineties, perhaps ever. Even 2001's Green Album, despite it's many flaws, is a fun and entertaining pop rock disk perfect for summer. Even the videos used to be great. But no more. Somewhere around 2001-2002, Weezer changed. Which brings us to their new video for "Pork and Beans," the first single off of the upcoming Red Album I seem to be dreading more than anything else.

Really guys, Internet people? I wonder how much money it took to get K-Fed out of retirement (not much, I suppose). This video is at best the sequel to previous Weezer efforts "Really guys, Muppets?" and "Really guys does the Playboy Mansion." You see, a good friend once said that the World Wide Web can be easily divided into two seperate categories. The internet is everything that is good; for example the news, porn, and this blog (but no other blogs). The interwebs is all the stupid videos and flash games people seem to love. Basically, all of the plights on society featured in this video. I for one am sick of it, this is the last time Weezer breaks my heart. I'm ending this abusive relationship.

Kevin Clang

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